Shredbots Presents "RETURN"

"RETURN," the latest Shredbots film, features Torstein Horgmo and friends exploring big mountain riding with creative and flowing lines. The film takes viewers through two distinct locations: the snow-covered landscapes of northern Japan and the rugged Valhalla mountain range in British Columbia. Riders including Torstein Horgmo, Mikey Ciccarelli, Brandon Cocard, Brandon Davis, Raibu Katayama, and Mons Røisland showcasing their skills across these varied terrains.

Cinematographers Tim Manning and Gabriel Kocher capture the crew's riding with visual precision, creating an on screen narrative that presents snowboarding as more than just a series of tricks, instead focusing on the flow and interaction between rider and landscape. Each rider creates lines that blend natural mountain features with carefully constructed elements, highlighting the creativity and technical skill of each snowboarder.

To top it off, the soundtrack is fantastic with pulsing beats and deep sound textures produced by Torstein himself under his music alias - EddiBell!

Next Beyond Medals Presents "FORCE MAJEURE"