Brown Cinema Presents "Knights of the Brown Table"

Filmaker Brock Nielsen drops a refreshing full length snowboard video that spans almost a full hour in a world full of Instagram clips and short form footage. With a lineup stacked with Sam Taxwood, Gabe Ferguson, Severin Van Der Meer, Brandon Cocard, Nik Baden, Jared Elston, Blake Paul, Parker Szumowski, Cale Zima, Mason Lemary, and Iikka Backstrom, "Knights of the Brown Table" goes from one epic part to the next.

For more info and behind the scene photos head over to Torment Mag.

Riders: Sam Taxwood, Gabe Ferguson, Severin Van Der Meer, Brandon Cocard, Nik Baden, Jared Elston, Blake Paul, Parker Szumowski, Cale Zima, Mason Lemary, Iikka Backstrom

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